Your logo should inspire brand loyalty. People should be able to distinguish your logo from other logos and they should be able to  relate to it. The best logos are simple, memorable and protruding. The logos should also be relevant and original as well as timeless and adaptable. Lastly, they should be legible and attractive. Below are the nine common features.

Is it memorable?

The best logos are memorable. Whether it is a frequently seen logo or not, it will be readily recalled by a viewer. Stakeholders will figure out what the brand sells by just looking at the logo.

Is it original?

Your logo should not be a replica of an existing logo. An original logo improves your brand visibility as anyone will be able to uniquely identify your logo amongst other logos.

Is it flexible?

Obviously your logo will be used in different cases that include websites, letterheads as well as  large banners and billboards. It is important to design a logo that maintains detail at all sizes.

Does it stand out?

There are numerous logos out there. Your logo should stick out amongst your competitors because of its distinctive design. Just think of the uniqueness of the Apple logo, how it protrudes.

Is it simple?

In most cases, simple logos are easily recognizable. A complex design will not only make it difficult to produce copies of your logo and maintain, but it will also fail to capture your onlookers.

Is it relevant?

Understand your onlookers before you start designing your logo. Regardless of your industry, your logo should speak to your audience.  For example, mascots are not ideal for a law firm.

Is it captivating?

Make it your goal to design a logo that has visual appeal to the greatest number of possible viewers. An attractive logo will be irresistible to all your stakeholders the first time they see it.

Will the design last for long?

An effective logo is one that will last for long. Ensure that your logo is not trendy because it will fail to endure the traditional changes in your industry. An example of a timeless logo is BMW.

Is it clear?

Onlookers should be able to clearly read your logo even from a long distance. A legible logo will effectively and quickly communicate with your audience which is good for your brand.

Do you need a professionally designed logo for your business or organisation?

Ofcourse you do! We can help you come up with a unique and creative logo.